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Why Do Dogs Follow You to the Bathroom

Dogs are called man’s best friends for a reason. They follow us like bodyguards everywhere we go and stay with us through thick and thin.

But let’s admit it: it’s no fun to see them following us to the bathroom. That is one place we really do need our privacy and would not want even our favorite pet in the world to disturb our solitude.

So, why do dogs follow you to the bathroom?

Is it only because they love us so much and want to be around us no matter where we go? Or is there a deeper reason for this clinginess?

Let us delve into why your dog may want to be part of your bathroom trips and understand how to deal with this kind of behavior.

9 Reasons Dogs Follow Their Owners Into the Bathroom

1. Pack Mentality

Dogs often exhibit pack behavior. Once you bring a pup home, it may begin treating you as a member of its pack and will not want to be without you for even a second.

It will follow you everywhere—even to the restroom—to avoid loneliness and ensure you’re alright.

2. No Concept of Privacy

Dogs’ pack mentality often means that they have no sense of privacy. They tend to sniff at each other and get into each others’ space regardless of the situation.

This could be why your pet cannot set boundaries when you go to the bathroom. You are undoubtedly dear to your dog, and it simply cannot understand what you need to do privately.

Spending time together is enjoyable, no matter the place and time. Being around you and sniffing you is its way of maintaining that connection.

3. Socialization

If your dog has been with you since it was a puppy, it probably followed you everywhere from the very beginning. If you thought it would eventually grow out of this habit, you’re mistaken.

It will most likely continue the same behavior pattern into adulthood, which means it won’t understand bathroom boundaries until you enforce them. Your pet thinks of you as its whole world and wants to stay with you wherever you go, even if it means following you to the bathroom.

This kind of behavior may even be present in adopted older dogs. Basically, once a dog places its trust in someone, it will have the urge to follow that person everywhere.

And if you close the bathroom door behind you, it will lie outside the door and whine till you come out.

4. Breed Traits

Some dog breeds have inherent traits that make them follow their owners everywhere. Herding dogs such as Australian shepherds and border collies exhibit this behavior.

Working dogs such as Doberman pinschers and boxers were also traditionally raised to keep their owners safe from harm. So if you own a working dog breed, it may try to stay as close to you as possible because of its dedication to your safety.

5. Avoid Loneliness

Some dogs need people or other dogs around them at all times and cannot stand being alone.

It may not be able to comprehend anyone wanting to spend any time by themselves. So your pet will follow you to provide company and companionship and prevent you from feeling lonely.

6. Curiosity

Dogs are inherently curious beings. One of the reasons your dog may follow you to the bathroom is that it’s curious about what you do there so often.

By following you, it is sating its curiosity and ensuring that it doesn’t miss out on any of the fun you may be having in that tiled room and noisy chair.

7. Protective Nature

Dogs are naturally protective creatures. So, according to your pet, just about any room in your house may contain dangers that it must protect you from.

Your dog may feel that it has to stand guard and protect you when you go to relieve yourself. Who knows what can happen to you in the bathroom!

8. Reinforcement

If you give your dog any kind of attention when it follows you to the bathroom, it may only encourage it to continue this behavior.

Even scolding may reinforce this following habit and make it think it’s okay or even rewarding to keep doing it.

9. Separation Anxiety

It’s natural for your dog to want to stay with you all the time as you’re its best friend.

But if it starts whining and crying constantly or indulging in destructive behavior when you shut your bathroom door, it could be displaying signs of separation anxiety and may need professional help.

Is This A Reason for Concern?

A dog following you to the bathroom is usually harmless and not a cause for concern, except that you’re being stared at the whole time you’re relieving yourself.

But if your dog follows you to the restroom due to separation anxiety, it is best to contact your vet or a dog trainer to pinpoint the reason for this behavior and try to reverse it.

Obedience training will help your dog overcome behavioral issues and become more confident and happy. Eventually, it will stop following you to the restroom and will not feel bothered when left alone for some time.

Should You Stop Your Dog From Following You?

If you don’t like your dog following you when you answer nature’s call, do not give it any attention the next time it does so.

Instead, train it to sit down outside the door, and when you come out, reward it with a treat for remaining quiet. This will help it break its old, undesirable habits and stay out of the bathroom while you do your business.


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