It’s easy to assume that you would need to know how to punish puppies for pooping in the house. That’s not always the case.
You can adjust your puppies’ behavior in a more humane way instead of punishing them. For instance, you can clean up without showing any concern, so the puppy won’t see this as a desirable outcome.
Let’s look at the other ways you can reinforce your puppy’s behavior without making the experience difficult for it or you. We can start by figuring out why your pet would poop in the first place and go from there.
1. Know Why Your Puppy Is Pooping in the House
Some studies show that dogs have less bowel control when they age, but puppies have trouble too. There are a lot of reasons why your puppy would poop inside the house, like:
Lack of Potty Training
This reason is a slightly obvious one. All puppies need to start their training by going to the bathroom first.
These puppies don’t know where to go yet, so better to start them early.
Excessive Anxiety or Stress
Dogs, particularly puppies, find sudden changes in their lives like redecorating your house or being away from you, stressful. These changes might disturb your puppy’s everyday routine.
There are a lot of stressors outside too, including:
- People shouting
- Cars honking
- Other dogs barking
- Incoming thunder
- Massive fireworks
All these elements stress the puppy out to the point that it prefers to poop inside instead.
Staying Indoors All Day
Spending too much time inside might lead your puppy to poop in the house. It's because they didn’t get the chance to relieve themselves outside.
Having a New Diet
Your puppy might not be able to handle sudden changes, including in its intestinal tract. Much like our own internal systems, the gut health of our puppy can be sensitive at times.
Want for Attention
A dog might think it’s appropriate to poop inside your house if it’s the only way to get your attention. Sometimes your puppy might think that any attention is good attention.
Moving to a New Home
Puppies, particularly from kennels, already have a hard time. They would need to acclimate to your new home and get used to this rather different environment they’re placed in.
A Medical Problem
There might be an issue with your puppy’s health if your puppy poops in the house. Losing control of its bowels might be an effect of a possible medical problem.
2. Discipline Your Puppies in a More Humane Way
Showing the Puppy What It Did
We might not fully understand our puppies’ behaviors or vice versa, but we can attempt to connect the dots. You can try pointing out their poop and then rightfully taking them outside.
In this way, you show them what they did and then where they should do it instead. The more often you do this, the more your puppies can make the connection.
Don’t Make a Fuss if It Happens
So this option is the polar opposite of the previous one. It connects with your puppy possibly wanting any attention from you.
It’s like a version of a silent treatment but towards your puppy. The behavior will eventually stop when your pet sees that what they did didn’t make you go to them.
3. Scrub Out the Poop as Much as You Can
You need to scrub away any remnants of their poop from your floors. Dogs will go back to that place if they can still smell their traces.
Our furry friends have this tendency to go back and mark where they poop over and over again. It’s best not to give them that option if you can.
4. Don’t Treat Your Puppy’s Crate Like a Litter Box
Having a crate for your puppy might be controversial, but it does have its benefits. The crate is a puppy’s designated place to sleep, but not to pee or poop in.
Puppies don’t want to poop where they sleep, so they avoid doing that. Though, keep in mind, time how long they stay in their crates.
If the puppies stay in for too long, then they need to go out and poop already.
5. Slowly Adjust Your Puppy’s Food
Try to gradually incorporate your puppy’s new food into their old one instead of providing them with the new food all at once. This method might take a week or more, depending on how your puppy would like it.
Kick things off by getting three-fourths of your puppy’s old food and use its new food for the rest. Increase the new food by 25% at a time every other day, and you’re good to go.
6. Get the Puppies Outside Regularly
Apart from the puppy’s regular exercise, going outside is their time to go potty. Puppies need short walks and regular playtime every day to keep them healthy and to help their minds grow.
7. Allow Your Puppies More Time Outside
Your puppies might get distracted when it’s their exercise time. Their allotted half hour or a full hour every day might not be enough for them to do their business in the bushes.
Permitting your puppies a few extra minutes might just give them the nudge they need to poop in the grass.
8. Show Them More Natural Places to Poop
Dogs gravitate toward pooping on rough dirt or grass instead of the pavement. These places are more discrete and less noticeably smelly.
Do yourselves a favor and roam around with your pet until it finds the perfect spot to do its duty.
9. Give Them What They Need for Weather Changes
Some dogs might get scared to poop outside because of harsh weather. Maybe give your puppy a little tented area to poop in on your yard when it rains too hard.
10. Go to the Vet
Going to the vet is the last resort when all of the previous steps don’t work out. The vet can identify from the following reasons below why your puppy keeps pooping on your floor:
- Stomach flu
- Allergies to different kinds of food
- Parasites
- Viral infections
- Bacterial diseases
After that, only then the vet can tell you what you should do for your puppy.
Calvin is the co-founder and one of the main contributors to He has been an avid dog lover all his life. He enjoys researching and sharing great ideas on how you can avoid common pitfalls of dog ownership and build the most loving and enjoyable relationship with your dog.
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