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How Big Will My Chihuahua Get?

Tiny they may seem, but never underestimate chihuahuas, as they can knock you off with their secret weapon: cuteness. Speaking of which, have you ever wondered how big your chihuahua can get?

Chihuahuas are cute-sized adorable doggies with an average height of about 4 to 9 inches and weigh between 2 and 6 pounds. In fact, the American Kennel Club disqualifies any dog that weighs more than 6 pounds.

As will all creatures, sizes differ from one dog to the next. So, if you’re interested in finding out how big your chihuahua will get, then keep scrolling.

Chihuahua puppy

Overview of Chihuahuas: Growth and Development

Before anything else, let’s take a quick look at the growth and development of chihuahuas as a breed.

Newborn to 2 Weeks Old

These innocent little pups come to life weighing just a few ounces. Nonetheless, you’ll notice rapid growth spurts during their first few weeks. In fact, they can almost double their size in just a couple of days!

3 Weeks to 15 Weeks Old

Your chihuahua puppies are still growing during this stage. However, it’s a slightly slower pace than that initial growth spurt. This is the best time to provide them with the nutrients they need to gain weight and be at their best.

4 Weeks to 9 Months Old

Most chihuahuas get close to their adult size by the time they're 4 to 9 months old. They may continue to gain weight after they’re nine months old, but it’s barely noticeable.

9 Weeks to 12 Months Old

By the time your chihuahua becomes 9 to 12 months old, he’ll have almost fully transitioned to the adult stage. In other words, they’ll typically stop growing, but they’ll still rely on you to provide them with well-balanced, nutritious food to maintain their health and development.

Figuring Out How Big Your Chihuahua Will Get

There isn't a precise way to know exactly how big your chihuahua will get. Nevertheless, there are two common ways that can help you get a basic idea of their potential size.

1. From the Breeder

Your breeder can give you an estimate of your puppy's adult size with an accurate figure. They do this by careful observation of previous puppies bred from the same parents as your chihuahua.

They also factor in the average size of the parents themselves.

2. Use a Growth Chart

Most Chihuahua lovers weigh their pups on a baby or kitchen scale. They also use a growth chart to get an estimate of their baby chihuahua's adult size.

Knowing your pup’s future weight can help you make better decisions when choosing accessories like beds, collars, and clothing items. Aside from that, it can help you identify health problems causing your chihuahua to become under or overweight.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the growth chart.

  1. First, weigh your pup on the scale of your choosing. If you only have the weight in pounds, use the RapidTables converter to convert it to ounces.
  2. Next, using the Chihuahua growth chart, look for your puppy's current age in the columns.
  3. Then, run your finger horizontally until you find your pup's current weight.
  4. Finally, Run your finger to the bottom from the current weight to find your pup's expected adult weight.

Just note that this chart only gives you an estimate of your puppy's adult size. This may not be 100% accurate all the time because there are variables that may or may not affect your puppy’s growth pattern.

What Are the Factors Affecting Chihuahuas Growth?

While many dog breeds seem in a hurry to grow taller and bigger, chihuahuas prefer to stay in their cute size.

We mentioned that your pup can weigh up to 6 pounds. Still, there are quite a number of factors that can affect their growth, including:

Diet and Nutrition

Just as diet is crucial to our health and wellbeing, it’s also important to help them grow big and strong. Hence, if they get good nutrition in the first weeks of their life, your pups are more likely to grow quickly.

Proper nutrition can help your puppies:

  • Develop properly
  • Maintain strong teeth
  • Have strong bones
  • Acquire healthy vision
  • Build strong muscles
  • Boost energy and vitality

Activities and Exercises

Though small in size, chihuahuas are actually quite active. They need about 20–30 minutes of exercise per day to stay healthy and happy.

You can walk them to the park, take them along on your runs, or enjoy some quality time playing fetch.

You may also buy them a Dogpacer Treadmill. It’s great for indoor exercise and will allow your cute puppy to use it regardless of the weather.

Regular exercise stimulates your pup's muscles and joints, which are vital for healthy growth and development. It also helps them maintain optimal body weight, which helps prevent chronic diseases like obesity and heart conditions.

Chihuahuas are a naturally intelligent breed that needs activities and exercises that can keep them mentally active. Plus, they also enjoy games, like hide-and-seek, where they can run around and still do a bit of thinking in the process.

Health Conditions

Certain illnesses at the onset of growth can stunt your chihuahua’s development, causing it to be smaller than expected.

The good news is that chihuahuas aren't generally sickly. However, they’re susceptible to hypoglycemia, which is when their blood sugar levels drop dangerously low.

Furthermore, disabilities like luxating patella, which is a dislocation of the kneecap, can prevent your chihuahua from being as active as he should be.

Not being able to run around and get the exercise they need can hinder their growth, resulting in weight gain and achy joints.

Chihuahua puppy

Presence of Parasites

Parasites, like hookworms, whipworms, and heartworms, can infest your chihuahuas. They consume your puppies’ nutritional intake and deter their growth and development.

Thus, deworming becomes necessary to prevent parasites from ruining your puppies' health. It’s best to begin this process when your chihuahua is between 2 to 4 weeks old.

Then, continue until they’re 12 weeks old. Always consult your vet before starting or ending the deworming process.