An unmistakable dog with his striking coat, the Bluetick Coonhound temperament makes him a goofy and playful dog.
The Bluetick Coonhound is a scent-hound whom breeders developed to have high endurance and a “cold nose,” a term used to refer to a dog who is able to work scent trails that are several days old.

Bluetick Coonhound Temperament and Personality
The Bluetick Coonhounds has a silly personality that will win you over in no time. This is a breed who absolutely adores his family and becomes strongly attached to his humans.
Strong Prey Drive
Though they are of hunting descent, Blue Tick Coonhound pups double as great house dogs. They do have a strong prey drive, though, so you need to supervise them when small animals are near. Always keep your Bluetick on a leash or in a secure yard behind a sturdy fence.
Something else important to note about a dog with a sniffer as good as this one: don't leave garbage lying around, or he will surely get into it. Keep your garbage can in another room behind a closed door, and make sure not to leave scraps or leftovers lying about, or he'll scoop them up in no time!
Blue Tick Coonhounds are tough dogs. They can hunt in any weather at any time of the day. They also have a howl – or bay – that is completely unique to each individual dog. How cool is that? It’s like each dog has his own voice!
Friendly and Loving
This good-looking breed is sensitive and loving, making him an overall friendly and happy dog. He tends to get along well enough with children too but be careful with toddlers. Because these dogs are high energy, they may be too rambunctious for smaller children.
Blue Ticks also get along great with other dogs – and even cats, so long as you raise them together.
Bluetick Coonhounds can adapt well to most living situations. They do well both indoors and outdoors – though they much prefer to be indoors, especially if that includes a soft bed or a comfortable couch!
This breed doesn’t like when you leave him alone for long periods of time. Blueticks thrive on companionship, and so they do not well without their humans’ love and affection nearby.
While Blueticks are loyal dogs, on the flip side they can also be stubborn, as well as loud when they bark. In fact, Bluetick owners describe the dog’s “big bawl mouth,” which is not always ideal in an apartment building!
To be fair, though, an apartment is not an ideal living space for a Bluetick period. He needs a lot of space to be able to run around in. You may be able to work with this if you take him outside often enough, but you must commit to doing so for this dog to be happy.
Yet, for their (minor) drawbacks, Blueticks are generally a lively, fun, loyal breed with a goofy side you will fall for over and over again.
A Brief History of the Bluetick Coonhound Breed
Bluetick Coonhounds are of noble descent. Case in point: their ancestors are the “French Grand Bleu de Gascogne” and English Foxhound. Both breeds came to the United States during colonial times.
Earlier Blueticks hunted raccoons but often worked in packs to hunt even larger game, like bears, wild boars, cougars, and lynxes.
Today, Bluetick Coonhounds are still hunters, but they also make great family companions.
The Bluetick Coonhound Appearance
When it comes to colors, the Bluetick's coat doesn't really vary from dog to dog.
You can expect a Bluetick to have a dark blue coat, with black “ticks,” or spots, on his back, ears, and sides.
His head and ears tend to be, for the most part, black, and he has tan markings above his eyes and on his cheeks.
He also has a dusting of dark-red on his feet, lower legs, chest, and under his tail.
Training a Bluetick Coonhound
Begin training your Bluetick Coonhound puppy early. His stubbornness can be a challenge, but consistency will help you – and him – overcome it eventually. He can be a bit of a challenge if you've never owned a dog before, but it's nothing you can't both overcome with a little bit of time and patience.
Only use positive reinforcement with Blueticks. He is a sensitive breed who will not respond well to harsh or negative training methods. In fact, that can cause him to withdraw from you, making the training process twice as difficult.
Blueticks will love training if it involves lots of treats and praise as a positive reinforcement. Just be careful that you don’t overdo it on the treats. The last thing you need is a dog with an obesity problem and the health issues that come with it.
Early socialization helps Bluetick Coonhound puppies grow into well-mannered and well-adjusted adults.
If you are not planning on using your Bluetick for hunting, consider enrolling him in search-and-rescue or obedience training. This a breed who loves to have a job, so he will thrive on and excel in any advanced training you throw at him!
Helpful Dog Training Resource:
For help with training your Bluetick Coonhound dog, you should take a look at The Online Dog Trainer by Doggy Dan. Doggy Dan is an expert Dog Trainer based in New Zealand. His online resource contains Hundreds of Excellent Dog Training Videos that will take you step-by-step through the process of developing a healthy, happy well-behaved dog.
Grooming a Bluetick Coonhound
Thanks to his short coat, grooming a Bluetick Coonhound is fairly easy. He has a glossy, smooth, dark blue coat, which is covered with black spots on his ears, back, and side. His head and ears are almost all black, with tan markings around the eyes and cheeks.
Their unmistakable coats aside, these dogs need grooming – and plenty of it. Blueticks require weekly brushing with a brush or rubber grooming mitt that will remove the loose and dead hair.
This breed is a moderate shedder who only requires the occasional bath – unless, of course, you have a mischievous Bluetick who likes to get into things he shouldn’t!
Be sure to also regularly clean and check his low-hanging ears for signs of infection.
Bluetick Coonhound Health
The average Bluetick Coonhound lifespan is between 11 and 12 years.
A healthy full-grown Bluetick Coonhound size is between 22 and 27 inches in height for males, and between 21-25 inches for females.
As for a healthy Bluetick Coonhound weight, males tend to be between 55 and 80 lbs., while females are between 45 and 65 lbs.
Some of the common health concerns that tend to plague this breed include:
A fairly healthy breed, the Bluetick Coonhound is not prone to a lot of health issues. However, he can suffer from Hip Dysplasia, Lysosomal Storage Disease, and Bloat.
h3>Helpful Dog Health Resource:
Note: Our Health is #1 Priority. It should be no different for your dog. But you need to help him. The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health is the answer. This handy guide will help you recognize the symptoms of the health problems above. Get the knowledge to stay ahead of these terrible issues that can rob your lovely dog from vigor and life. Help your friend make it to 12 yrs+ without pain and suffering.
This hunting dog needs plenty of exercise. Schedule regular playtime and daily walks to help him get his energy out. For instance, agility and tracking activities are great outlets for the energetic Bluetick Coonhound.
If you don't give him his daily exercise, you may end up having to deal with a dog who is high-strung and distressed.
And a distressed dog easily becomes a destructive dog in no time. The best way to stop him from digging under the fence, chewing your prized possessions and tearing up your flower beds is to run him ragged!
When you take him for walks, remember to keep him on a leash! Remember, this is a scent hound who is also a fantastic hunter. If he catches a whiff of anything, and he's not on a leash, he will take off after it and possibly travel for miles before he realizes he's far from home.
Post-exercise, the Bluetick is perfectly happy snuggling up with you on the couch!
Top Bluetick Coonhound Mixes
If a mixed breed is more your style, there is a handful of Bluetick mixed breeds out there that you can choose from. These include:
- The Bluetick Coonoodle (Poodle mix)
- The Basset Bluetick (Basset Hound mix)
- The Bluetick Rat Terrier (Rat Terrier mix)
- The Bluetick Walker (Treeing Walker Coonhound mix)
Bluetick Coonhound vs. Treeing Walker Coonhound
While their names may be similar, there are marked differences between the Bluetick Coonhound and the Treeing Walker Coonhound. Here are some of the main differences in their temperaments so you can decide which of these dogs may be a better match for you:
- The Bluetick is more affectionate than the Treeing Walker.
- The Bluetick is better with your leaving him alone for longer periods.
- Both dogs are great for first-time dog owners.
- The Treeing Walker is better with younger children.
- The Bluetick is better with cats, though they're both equally fine with other dogs.
Both dogs also have similar lifespans and are nearly identical in weight and height.
Finding the Perfect Bluetick Coonhound
Between his striking coat and fun personality, it’s no surprise you would want to add a Bluetick Coonhound to your family.
But do you want to purchase a Bluetick from a breeder? Or would you rather adopt one from a rescue organization?
One of the main differences is that breeders offer purebred Blueticks, while rescue organizations have a mix of purebreds and mixed breed dogs.

Bluetick Coonhound Puppies for Sale
An average Bluetick Coonhound price is between $500-$600 but can go up to $800-$900, depending on the dog’s lineage.
The price of a Bluetick depends on the demand for the breed and the location of the breeder, as well as the availability of litters and the dog’s lineage.
American Kennel Club (AKC)-registered Bluetick Coonhound puppies for sale will also be more expensive than non-AKC registered puppies.
Bluetick Coonhound Rescue and Adoption
If you are not looking for a Bluetick Coonhound for sale through a breeder, why not consider adoption? Because this breed is not for everyone, Blueticks may find themselves in shelters more often than other breeds.
To find a Bluetick Coonhound rescue, the American Kennel Club has a resource for rescues dedicated to Blueticks.
Adopting a Bluetick Coonhound is a great option for those who are looking for an adult dog or even a Bluetick mix.
There are many pros that come from adopting an adult dog, including bringing a dog home who already knows to do his business outside. Plus, older dogs tend to outgrow the destructive behavior that a bored puppy will often find himself in.
Bluetick Coonhound Breeders
For a list of reputable Bluetick Coonhound breeders, check out the National Bluetick Coonhound Association or American Kennel Club. Both sites provide plenty of information on this breed, as well as numerous resources to help you find a reputable Bluetick breeder.
Bluetick Coonhound breeders should be knowledgeable about the breed and provide you with the proper health certificates for the dog you’re bringing home. Steer clear of any breeders who are unable to provide you with these certificates, as you could find yourself with a sick Bluetick puppy!
Not only is this unfair to you and the dog, but you’ll also be out hundreds, possibly even thousands of dollars, for a dog who may not live very long.
Breeders should also be more than willing and able to answer any question you have about Blueticks. And they should ask you questions as well to get to know you, your family, and your lifestyle. Simply put, the breeder should care just as much about her pups getting a good home as you do.
A Final Word about the Bluetick Coonhound Temperament
The tenacious, smart Bluetick Coonhound temperament may come with a respectable hunting history, but nowadays he makes more of a wonderful family companion.
With his stubborn streak and endless energy, a Bluetick can be difficult to train. But be consistent, and he’ll have no problem learning whatever it is you need to teach him.
If you’re looking for a strikingly beautiful, devoted dog, you can’t really go wrong with the Bluetick Coonhound.

Kailyn has worked as a professional freelance writer since 2012, and during that time she has written about nearly every dog breed imaginable. Her mother loved Collies, and so Kailyn grew up with three of them throughout her childhood – including a blonde one who was half-blind! Now her home belongs to her first official dog, Macho, a Dogo Argentino rescue.